Your child’s primary care provider will need to fax a referral for psychological testing services to 803-569-1054. Once we have received your referral, our Client Services Coordinator will contact you. You will be asked to complete an electronic intake packet and verify your child’s insurance information. Once we receive this packet from you, we will call you to schedule your child’s evaluation appointments.
1. Intake Appointment
During the first appointment, you will meet with a member of our team to review your child’s intake information and ensure that she has a thorough understanding of your concerns about your child’s development. Your child does not need to attend this appointment.
2. Testing Appointment
The testing appointment will take place approximately two weeks after the intake. This appointment is scheduled for about four hours, depending on your child’s age and the referral concerns.
During this appointment, your child will complete testing with a member of our team. An evaluation often includes an interview with the child, a test of cognitive abilities, a test to evaluate social communication skills, and/or measures to assess attention and executive functioning. Academic achievement testing is also available.
You will also be asked to complete several rating scales during this appointment. Depending on your child’s age and language level, you may be asked to stay in the room during your child’s appointment.
3. Feedback Appointment
The feedback appointment is scheduled for approximately three weeks after testing. During this appointment, you will meet with a member of our team to review the results of testing, as well as learn about any diagnoses and recommendations.