Parents making a Difference
The Unumb Center for Neurodevelopment began as one program: a center-based Applied Behavior Analysis program known as The Autism Academy of South Carolina. In 2008 & 2009, founders Lorri and Dan Unumb searched the country looking for “best practice” models for center-based ABA programs. After touring and learning from established programs around the nation, they came back home and partnered with other local parents and youth development professionals to establish the Autism Academy in 2010. Since its founding, the Academy has strived to provide exceptional ABA services for children and to serve as a community resource for those impacted by autism.
Identifying Gaps
Within a few years of beginning operations, the leadership of the Autism Academy realized how many gaps in services existed in the Midlands. In response, the Academy began to grow, adding a psychology department to offer diagnostic services; building a social skills program for children who did not need the Academy’s full-day ABA services but nevertheless needed quality intervention; offering a variety of day and overnight summer camps; and establishing family support programs.
Expansion of Services
As the Academy’s children grew, the Academy’s mission expanded, with the exploration of ABA-infused vocational services and adult day services underway. To encompass the organization’s expanded mission and offerings, the Board of Directors, following staff lead, voted in late 2018 to re-brand. They chose the name “The Unumb Center for Neurodevelopment” in honor of the founders’ leadership and award-winning advocacy work in South Carolina and across the nation on behalf of families with autism.
Our Mission
The mission of The Unumb Center for Neurodevelopment is to help individuals with autism reach their full potential by providing comprehensive, evidence-based services and collaborative solutions for the needs of the autism community.